10 Classic '90s Foods That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

1. Jello Pudding Pops

This one brings back clear memories. One user informed me of how Pudding Pops had a texture and ice sheets that were unique to them. 

2. Pizza Hut Buffet

Ah, the 1990s, when Pizza Hut's spread was the best thing you could eat. When you add root beer to the mix, you have a heaven-sent meal.

3. Burger King Fries

Let's not forget that Burger King's fries used to rule the world, but then they turned their backs on us. One person said that they would even talk about it at their funerals.

4. Clearly Canadian

Someone said that they got one slice of pizza with a bottle of Clearly Canadian; the feeling of nostalgia is crazy.

5. Fruittopia

Fruittopia isn't even something I want to talk about. It was like an explosion of fruit punch in your mouth, and the tastes sounded like they were made by a mad scientist.

6. Surge

It gave you wings, but not in the way that Red Bull does. No, Surge was more like a rocket powered by caffeine that shot you into space and made you shake and sweat for hours.

7. Taco Bell

Even if you don't believe it, there was a time when Taco Bell had many good choices on the menu.

8. Minute Maid Juice Bars

It wouldn't be fair to talk about the 1990s without mentioning those triangle juice pouches that most people remember from high school.

9. Arby's

It was a fast food place where you could try something new and strange. You never knew if it would work or not, but it was always exciting.

10. Hubba Bubba

Hubba hubba Bubba makes me think of so many things. Many of us have chewed as many pieces as we could at once to see who could blow the most bubbles.