10 things to know on your first day of studying abroad

Arrival Logistics: Be aware of the logistics of your arrival, such as airport transportation, accommodation check-in, and any orientation sessions.

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Local Currency and Banking: Familiarize yourself with the local currency and banking system.

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Travel Documents: Keep your passport, visa, and any other essential travel documents in a secure but easily accessible place.

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Emergency Contacts: Have a list of emergency contacts, including the local contact information for your university or program, as well as contacts back home.

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Local Culture and Customs: Take some time to learn about the local culture and customs. Understanding the basics of etiquette

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Language Skills: If the local language is different from your native language, it's helpful to know some basic phrases to communicate in everyday situations.

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Health and Safety: Be aware of any health and safety precautions specific to your destination.

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Local Transportation: Learn about the local transportation system, whether it's buses, trams, subways, or something else.

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Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs, traditions, and cultural norms. Avoid making assumptions or judgments based on your own cultural background.

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Orientation Programs: Attend any orientation sessions or activities organized by your university or program.

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