7 Best Border Flowers For Your Garden


Known for its fragrant blooms and silvery foliage, lavender is a versatile border plant that attracts pollinators. It comes in various shades.


Dianthus, including carnations and pinks, are compact and produce charming, often fragrant flowers.


Salvia plants offer spikes of vibrant flowers in shades of blue, purple, red, and pink. They are easy to grow and attract hummingbirds and butterflies.


Coreopsis is a cheerful perennial with daisy-like flowers that bloom in shades of yellow, orange, and pink. It adds a bright and sunny touch to garden borders.

Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan features bright yellow, daisy-like flowers with dark centers. This hardy perennial is a classic choice for borders and attracts butterflies.


Catmint is a low-maintenance perennial with aromatic foliage and spikes of lavender-blue flowers. It's attractive to bees and adds a soft, billowy look to borders.

Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower is known for its vibrant, daisy-like blooms in warm colors like red, orange, and yellow. It's a drought-tolerant plant that thrives in sunny borders.

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