8 Things You Should Never Do at the Beach

Leave Litter: Always clean up after yourself and dispose of trash in designated bins or take it with you. Litter not only harms the environment

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Ignore Warning Signs: Pay attention to warning signs, flags, and lifeguard instructions. If you see red flags indicating dangerous

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Disturb Wildlife: Many beaches are home to nesting birds and other wildlife. Keep a respectful distance, avoid disturbing them

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Play Loud Music: While it's okay to enjoy music at the beach, be considerate of others. Keep the volume at a reasonable level or use

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Light Fires or Fireworks: Open fires and fireworks are usually prohibited on beaches due to fire hazards and safety concerns.

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Dig Deep Holes: Building sandcastles and digging in the sand is fun, but avoid digging deep holes. Deep holes can collapse

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eed Seagulls or Wildlife: Feeding seagulls or other beach wildlife might seem harmless, but it can lead to aggressive behavior

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Stay in the Sun Without Sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen before spending time in the sun.

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