Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Honey-Based Home Remedies For Younger Looking Skin



Ingredient: Raw honey (as needed)

1. Plain Honey



Wash and pat your face dry. Apply honey on your face evenly. Set it aside for 20 minutes. Later, rinse it off.



Ingredients: 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons raw milk

2. Honey & Milk



In a mixing basin, thoroughly combine both ingredients. Dip a cotton ball into the solution. Using a cotton ball, apply this mixture on your face. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water and a mild cleaner. Dry your face with a towel.



Ingredients: 1 tsp honey ½ ripe avocado 1 tsp plain yogurt

3. Honey, Avocado & Yogurt



Mash the avocado into a pulp in a mixing dish. Mix in the yogurt well. Finally, add the honey and thoroughly combine all of the ingredients. Apply this concoction on your face.



Ingredients: 12 ripe papaya 2 tbsp honey

4. Honey & Papaya



Mash the papaya chunks well in a dish. Add honey to the bowl and combine the two ingredients. Apply the solution on your face. Set it aside for 30 minutes. Using water, rinse it off.



Ingredients: 2 teaspoon honey 12 teaspoon flaxseeds 1 cup Greek yogurt

5. Honey, Flaxseed & Yogurt



Flaxseeds should be ground. Add honey and combine the two components. Take the yogurt and place it in a bowl. Add the honey and flaxseed mixture and thoroughly combine.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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