Vintage Chairs: What to look for and how to buy

Overordering bacon in the drive-thru is a minor expense for many. However, animal rights campaigners have traditionally considered pork too expensive for the pigs.

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Carl Icahn has targeted McDonald's and Kroger to expand his fight to abolish pig gestation cages. The move could help align animal welfare

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rights with Europe, but many question the timing, especially since it would raise pork costs at a time when Americans are struggling financially.

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White Frame Corner

Bloomberg reports that if the fast-food giant bans gestation crates, pork-containing foods might cost 5% to 20% more.

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White Frame Corner

Animal rights supporters think gestation boxes should be replaced, even though paying more for bacon isn't enjoyable. Hog farms use

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crates as "sow stalls" to confine pregnant female pigs. The stalls' advocates believe sows fighting could injure one other, 

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but rights activists say the crates are barbaric and prohibit the pigs from standing or turning around for months.

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White Frame Corner

Icahn's purchase of over 200 McDonald's shares astonished those who knew him for investing in tiny businesses. Icahn has selected two board

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members since the investment to promote his anti-gestation crate agenda. McDonald's acknowledged the switch from gestation crates but cautioned against

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