Over 60? These Are the Best Workout Apps for Weight Loss

Sara Faravelli of MyBeautik, a personal trainer and yoga and Pilates instructor, recommends Fitocracy for a pleasant approach to lose weight.

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"Fitocracy lets users challenge friends or strangers on the app. Faravelli says you can pledge, lose, or gain weight and track your progress in the app.

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DietBet may be the app for you if you need more motivation to exercise than muscle tone or cardiovascular health.

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"DietBet rewards users who are trying to lose weight by supporting them financially," says Faravelli, who recommends the program for

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over-60s losing weight. "After you set your bet, you have four weeks to work out and eat well until the game begins."

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elders can start their fitness adventure with SilverSneakers, one of the few workout apps targeted for elders. Some Medicare plans support it.

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MyFitnessPal's easy-to-use programs can help you lose weight and get healthier even if you're new to doing out.

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"This app is great for over-60s because it provides top-notch workout routines for older fitness enthusiasts," says My Fitness System founder

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Dave Shelton, a personal trainer. "Additionally, MyFitnessPal allows you to effectively track your daily calorie consumption to ensure your nutrition

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