Pizza Hut Quietly Added an Extra Service Fee In This State

California company has always been expensive, but in recent months, expenditures have risen significantly. Due to global and domestic

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White Frame Corner

supply chain challenges, California businesses are facing increasing wages and material expenses on top of hefty taxes and regulations.

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White Frame Corner

How does Pizza Hut offset its higher operational costs there? Pizza prices are up. And pasta. Also, breadsticks. According to The Los

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White Frame Corner

Angeles Times, the restaurant is now charging a "service fee" on all delivery orders and anything else they sell. No constant cost appears between places

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White Frame Corner

It differs from the chain's years-old delivery price. Former employees sued Pizza Hut, alleging that the delivery fee is used to raise profits. 

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White Frame Corner

This is the case with the new "service fee," which appears to be a customer-paid pricing hike.

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White Frame Corner

Some clients noticed the upcharge months ago. In a post on the r/pizzahut forum, a customer complained that a $1.09'service fee' was

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White Frame Corner

added to their order due to California's high business costs. Does it constitute deceptive pricing to propose one price and increase service fees? 

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White Frame Corner

California has 525 Pizza Hut outlets, second only to Texas with almost 650. The chain closed hundreds of stores nationally in recent years to

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White Frame Corner

stabilize after NPC International, a key franchise operator, filed for bankruptcy in the summer of 2020.

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White Frame Corner
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