Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Skincare Tips For Girls Who Wear Glasses



When you're wearing glasses, keep tissue paper or blotting paper on hand. The glasses exert pressure on the places they touch, 

1. Oil Blotting: 



which may result in increased oil production. This is one of the most crucial guidelines for females who wear glasses.



It is also a good idea to have a little bottle of face cleanser or face wash with you everywhere you go.

2. Cleanser: 



Always keep face powder in your purse so you can appear fresh on the run and get rid of excess oil in the regions where your glasses touch your face.

3. Face Powder: 



Because your glasses come into touch with the oils, dust, and makeup on your face, it is critical that you clean them.

4. Clean Glasses: 



At night, take off your glasses and wash your face to clean the area where they were sitting. 

5. Scrub: 



This might make it easier for you to avoid getting black spots on your face as a result of wearing glasses.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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