Surprising Side Effects of Eating Corn

At any 4th of July party, corn will be on the menu. Corn will be served on the cob, in a salad, as popcorn, or in a dip this summer.

Corn includes vitamins, minerals, and plant components that can contribute to your daily micronutrient intake.

Here's how corn affects your body, and for additional healthy advice, check out our list of the 9 Healthiest Foods You Should Eat Every Day.

All fruits and vegetables include plant components, many of which are pigments that color produce and improve health.

These two molecules are the major retinal pigments and protect your eyes from blue light, according to a Nutrients research.

Popcorn, a beloved snack, is high in fiber and low in calories. Popcorn, especially handmade or air-popped, is low-calorie and nutrient-dense. 

Corn is rich in vitamins B6 and B9, which are essential for energy metabolism and other bodily functions. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

The Cleveland Clinic says eight B vitamins transform carbs into energy. B9 (folate) helps your neurological system, liver, skin, and hair.

Diet can affect Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a painful gastrointestinal illness. Corn can increase IBS symptoms in some people.

Processed corn has sugar or oil and no nutrition. High fructose corn syrup has become a food industry staple and has been linked to several