Surprising Side Effects of Eating Fish

An analysis of four international cohort studies involving more than 191,000 adults from 56 countries found that people with heart disease

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JAMA Internal Medicine published these findings on March 8, 2021, showing that omega-3 fatty acids in this type of fish can cut a person's risk of another cardiac episode

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Omega-3s in fatty fish may protect your brain. New York's Columbia University Irving Medical Center found in 2020 that older women (average age 70)

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Brain scans were better in people who ate one to two portions of baked or broiled fish or shellfish a week. The reason? Omega-3s may have triggered 

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You are what you eat again. Australian researchers from James Cook University examined the diets of residents of two islands: one with fast food and one without.

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The islanders with fast food ate more processed food, whereas those from the other island ate more seafood. Youthful fast-food eaters were more likely to have significant

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Salmon and sleep may go together. In a five-month study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, men who ate Atlantic fish three

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Men in the fish group reported better sleep and daily functioning after the trial. Vitamin D may have affected this outcome, say the authors.

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Sardines on your plate may ease tight knees, according to Arthritis Care & Research. A daily diet questionnaire was completed by 176 adults for nearly a year.

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"If our finding holds up in other studies, it suggests that fish consumption may lower inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis disease activity

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