If you want to eat at Taco Bell with pals or your significant other, you're in luck.
The taco company is testing a $10 Cravings Meal at two Kansas City, Miss. locations. You and your dinner date get two Chalupas, two Beefy 5-Layer Burritos
Since the offer is currently being tested, it may soon be implemented nationwide.
Taco Bell is also testing a two-person premium meal in Kansas City. This meal includes two Steak Chalupas, two Burrito Supremes, two Chips & Cheese
Taco Bell's plan will save customers money at a time when fast-food costs are rising and companies are
eliminating discount menu items. Despite its reputation for low prices, Taco Bell has had to hike several essentials.
Gordon Haskett found that the business raised prices 10% between July 2020 and July 2021. Other chains have had to raise pricing. According to
Restaurant Business Online, McDonald's franchisees nationwide have raised prices on premium goods like the Big Mac. Chains like Chipotle are raising pricing
Chipotle customers spend 10% more than a year ago due to higher
beef and avocado prices. Taco Bell is likely affected by rising beef prices.