Taco Bell's Major Hit Is Coming Back to the Menu Soon

Taco Bell is known for rereleasing popular items. once a limited-time release, popular goods are removed from the menu and returned six to

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twelve months later once demand peaks. Fans were thrilled with a new Doritos Locos Taco flavor a few weeks ago. Nacho Fries may return in March.

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According to Reddit, the popular item may return late Tuesday night. A deleted Taco Bell subforum post by an

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unidentified member stated that "Nacho Fries are coming back." Taco Bell staff (allegedly) confirm the March 10 Nacho Fries return date.

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Nacho Fries are popular at Taco Bell. Nacho Fries were "the most successful launch in Taco Bell history," according to Business Insider,

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selling 53 million orders in their first four months in 2018. Six times since, Taco Bell has brought them back, most recently in July 2021.

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The chain usually reintroduces this item twice a year, but this year it's different. Historically, Nacho Fries

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returned in January and July. Who knows how Taco Bell's calendar will

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unfold after March's return? Maybe they're making place for Mexican Pizza in July?

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