The Best Vitamin D Sources

Research suggests that 5-30 minutes of sun exposure to the face, arms, legs, or back at least twice a week during peak solar hours (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) synthesizes enough Vitamin D.


Individual vitamin D supplements are available. Adults over 50 and exclusively or partially breastfed newborns should supplement.

A Vitamin D Supplement

Salmon is a top vitamin D food. Fatty salmon and fat-soluble vitamin D go together.


This little fish is a vitamin D powerhouse. It contains protein and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and can be consumed fresh, canned, smoked, or pickled.


If you want to add a salty flavor to your dinner while also obtaining some extra vitamin D, try adding some sardines.


Another nutritious fish is halibut, which has more vitamin D. Halibut is rich in selenium, B vitamins, and omega-3s.


Vitamin D is easy to get from canned tuna! Eating tuna with water instead of oil has many health benefits.
