The Surprising Reason McDonald's Ditched This Menu Item

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McDonald's is eliminating salads, as you may have heard. First reported by the Wall Street Journal, the fast-food giant's permanent greens ban

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received mixed reviews. (The chain eliminated all-day breakfast but resurrected three desserts, two Quarter Pounders, the Bacon McDouble

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Even though most McDonald's customers come for their burgers and fries, removing their healthiest option feels wrong. The reason they've moved may surprise you.

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The Washington Post examined how the coronavirus epidemic and food supply chain disruptions are hurting national restaurant companies.

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To offset the costs of reopening under tight CDC standards, many beloved restaurants are reducing their menus. The cost of staff masks and gloves

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social distancing signage, and routine disinfection can't be paid by a restaurant's already narrow profit margins, thus the menu must be simplified.

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For instance, McDonald's Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad and Side Salad require large quantities of a different lettuce than they use on

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their burgers and sandwiches. Taking salads off the menu saves the organization money. (Related: 8 New McDonald's Reopening Features.)

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Restaurants reduce menus for efficiency, says The Washington Post. McDonald's now only needs one lettuce for salads and sandwiches."

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