The Zodiac Sign That's the Biggest Over-Thinker

Virgo: Known for their analytical and detail-oriented nature, Virgos may find themselves overthinking due to their desire for perfection.

Cancer: Caring deeply about emotions and relationships, Cancers can overthink situations, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Libra: Seeking balance and harmony, Libras may overthink decisions as they weigh pros and cons to ensure fairness.

Scorpio: With their intense and passionate nature, Scorpios may overanalyze emotions and situations, often digging deep into underlying motives.

Pisces: Highly sensitive and empathetic, Pisceans might overthink to navigate the complex emotions surrounding them.

Capricorn: Driven by a strong sense of responsibility, Capricorns may overthink to ensure they've considered all possible outcomes before making decisions.

Gemini: Geminis' dual nature can lead to overthinking as they consider multiple perspectives and possibilities simultaneously.

Taurus: Tauruses, being practical and security-oriented, may overthink to ensure stability and avoid risks.

Taurus: Tauruses, being practical and security-oriented, may overthink to ensure stability and avoid risks.

Sagittarius: With a love for exploration and adventure, Sagittarians may overthink as they weigh the potential consequences of their actions.