This One Thing May Be Ruining Your Sleep

Sleeping well improves your health in numerous ways. Sleeping well for the correct amount of time will restore your body and mind, helping you feel sharper, 

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more energized, refreshed, and happier the next day. Start your day refreshed, with birds chirping and the sun shining. A lousy night's sleep

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you get the idea. Apart from the obvious, sleep affects your health, performance, and mood the next day. (Your car won't run without fuel

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The Sleep Foundation says poor sleep can cause heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke. Don't worry—fixing sleep troubles

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You may wake up with body aches or back pain, tossing and turning, sneezing or nasal pressure, pressing on body parts trying to get

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comfortable, or a sinkhole on your side of the bed. Drumroll, please! The Sleep Foundation says these are indicators of a faulty mattress

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preventing you from sleeping well. It's time to change. Numerous studies have shown that sleep

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Sleep experts recommend mattresses last 8–10 years. UCLA Medical Center experts say, "A mattress that does not fit into the 'Goldilocks

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Zone' of firmness and softness can lead to serious back discomfort in the morning–the type that could ultimately turn into a chronic problem."

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