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Yellow Star

Top 10 Signs of Cancer in Dogs

Sudden or gradual weight loss in the absence of dietary or physical activity changes may indicate an underlying health condition, such as cancer.

1. Unexplained Weight Loss

New growths, lumps, or bumps on your dog's body, particularly those that grow or change size rapidly, should be evaluated by a veterinarian.

2. Lumps or Bumps

Significant changes in appetite, such as loss of appetite or increased desire, may be indicative of a number of health conditions, including cancer.

3. Changes in Appetite

Labored breathing, coughing, and other respiratory alterations may indicate lung or chest conditions, such as cancer.

4. Difficulty Breathing

If your dog is unusually lethargic, lacks energy, or seems disinterested in normal activities, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue.

5. Lethargy

Persistent limping or stiffness, reluctance to exercise, or difficulty moving may be indicative of malignancies of the bone or joints.

6. Lameness or Difficulty Moving

Difficulty urinating or defecating, blood in the urine or feces, or frequency changes should be evaluated by a veterinarian.

7. Changes in Bathroom Habits

Sometimes malodorous breath, discharge, or body odor is associated with oral, nasal, or other forms of cancer.

8. Unusual Odors

Chronic or severe digestive issues, such as vomiting or diarrhea, can be signs of a variety of diseases, including cancer.

9. Vomiting or Diarrhea

Changes in behavior, such as increased irritability, aggression, or depression, may signal an underlying health issue.

10. Behavioral Changes

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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